

We know how important it is for 你 to place into the right 英语 and math classes 为了实现你的目标,这就是我们的目的! 我们提供各种各样的安置 满足您需求的选项.

We are now offering online Directed Self-放置 (DSP) as an option for traditional 和跑起学生. 这个放置选项是免费的,可以随时访问 从任何有网络连接的地方!

网赌正规真人实体在线平台 students taking the Directed Self-放置 online who need computer access, a 安静的空间和互联网连接测试可以 电子邮件 or call the 评估中心 at 509-547-0511 to schedule free lab space on campus.  

电子邮件% 20 % 20专家

希望提高你的数学成绩? 你的成功是我们的首要任务! 的学生 current math placement in the system now have an opportunity to take the 亚历克斯 测试 面对面. 亚历克斯的测试课程在校园内进行 只接受预约. 电话或 我们邮件% 20 有关更多信息,请参阅日程安排和考试日提醒.


Directed Self-放置 is a simple self-assessment that can be completed anytime, anywhere, to help 你 determine in which math, reading and 英语 courses 你 should 招收. 备有英文和西班牙文.

评估时间各不相同. However, to be sure 你 have enough time to complete all assessments, we recommend 你 begin Directed Self-放置 when 你 have at least two hours to 焦点.

没有时间限制,所以你需要多长时间就多长时间! 你总共需要一个分数 three assessment areas (math, 英语 and reading) in order to progress through the 入门流程.

The purpose of Directed Self-放置 is to measure 你r current skill level and determine the best math and 英语—and, potentially, reading—courses to help 你 在网赌正规真人实体在线平台取得成功. 虽然你不需要准备,但你可能想回顾一下你的 技能使用 EdReady.

Although the 英语 and math modules are not a 测试, they will be used for placement. 花点时间仔细阅读并回答每个问题. 

If 你’re new to 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, please log in to 你r 开始 steps using 你r 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student 电子邮件和密码,以完成定向自我定位.






Directed Self-放置 results take 两到三个工作日 to process.

If 你 are a prospective 运行开始 student and 你r placement results qualify, 您将通过电子邮件收到一个在线申请“跑步开始”的链接.

For all other students, 你r results will be entered in 你r student account within 两到三个工作日. 要回顾你的安置结果,你需要首先 登录你的 ctcLink帐户.  登录后,返回这里,点击 流动学生中心连结,点击“学术”,选择“考试成绩”.”

查看 就业结果指南 to understand how 你r scores place 你 into 英语, reading and math.

对你的职位安排有问题吗? 我们的完成教练可以提供帮助 你! 你可浏览我们的 咨询/建议中心页面 有关预约的资料. 您也可以在评估中与我们联系 安置支持中心.

If 你're a new, transfer or returning student, be sure to have math, 英语 and 阅读位置来完成你的入门步骤. 只要登录 入门入门门户 继续. Once 你've successfully completed these steps, 你'll be ready to register 为你在网赌正规真人实体在线平台的第一个季度的课程做准备!

If 你're a current student, we recommend making an appointment with a Completion 指导解释你的结果. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 咨询/建议链接.

Since the math and 英语 portions are self-assessments, there is no need to retake 这些部分. 阅读部分可以重考一次. 没有冷静期, 所以如果你想再试一次,请网赌正规真人实体在线平台!

For corrections on 你r form, or if 你 experience any technical issues, please 我们邮件% 20 寻求帮助. 我们是来帮忙的!

是的. 英语 & reading scores expire two years from the date 你 took the assessment. 数学成绩一年后失效. 我们将永远用你的最高分来决定 你在加拿大广播公司的职位.

你可能不需要服用DSP! 查看下面的其他安置选项,看看是否 你有资格换一个位置.

为符合条件的残疾学生提供服务! 有以下经历的学生 documented learning and/or physical disabilities and need to request 测试ing accommodations 可致电509-452-4412与加拿大广播公司残疾支持服务部联系 电子邮件% 20or by visiting Room T422 of the T Building before taking a placement 测试.




安置的途径有很多. 我们是来帮你理解所有不同的 ways to determine the right math, 英语 and/or reading classes for 你r goals!

Use qualifying 更聪明的平衡评估 Consortium (SBAC) scores and applicable high school transcripts for 英语 and math placement up to one year following high 学校毕业. Fax, 电子邮件 or bring 你r scores (which 你r high school counselor 可以帮你!)至评估中心.


High school students using valid Washington state transcripts who earn a “B” or better (in the final term) in a designated 大学之桥课程 their senior year, and who begin college the year following graduation, are eligible for placement into a 大学水平的英语或数学. 可以获得官方或非官方的成绩单 从高中辅导员或在线评分系统. 提交你的成绩单 今天的评价!


亚历克斯 is a powerful, artificial-intelligence-based, adaptive math assessment. 通过 delivery of up to 30 questions, this 测试 reveals and reports on the strengths and weaknesses of 你r mathematical knowledge and provides 你 with learning tools for 提高知识水平. 备有英文和西班牙文.

亚历克斯考试只在校内进行预约. 联系评估中心 安排预约.


Your SAT or ACT math scores can be used to bypass the math portion of 你r placement 测试. An SAT math score of 520 or higher or an ACT math score of 22 or higher qualifies 你可以直接进入大学水平的数学课程. 这些分数是有效的 毕业后最多两年.


We award college credit when 你 complete the College Board’s Advanced 放置 examinations 得分在三分以上的. AP课程是由美国大学理事会(College Board)开发的 然后由你的高中老师教.

We also award credit for completing International Baccalaureate examinations with 四分或更高的分数. IB课程严格准备你的大学水平 在你还在高中的时候接受文科教育.


Submit 你r official or unofficial transcript, along with 你r 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 SID and phone number, for evaluation and placement into pre-college or college level math courses via:

  • 电子邮件
  • 面谈:网赌正规真人实体在线平台评估中心H楼
  • Mail: 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, 2600 N 20日大街, MS-H7, Pasco WA 99301
  • 传真:509-544-2037

最多五个工作日的处理时间. 分数在高后两年失效 学校毕业.


If 你’ve previously attended an accredited college or university, 你 should submit an official sealed or electronic transcript from each institution. 你的以前 earned credits will be evaluated through a course-by-course equivalency and can allow 你 to bypass 测试ing requirements or certain course prerequisites.


To request equivalent placement at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 based on 你r scores from another Washington 社区或技术学院,请填写 就业互惠申请表格.

If 你'd like to send 你r unexpired 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 placement scores to another institution, 我们是来帮忙的! 要启动该流程,请提交一个 分业成绩发放表格.

The best way to determine 你r placement options is to talk with an expert in our 评估中心!

电子邮件% 20 % 20专家

我们是来帮忙的 你 figure out how to begin 你r college journey. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台需要 all degree- and certificate-seeking students to complete placement in math, reading and 英语, or transfer in qualifying college-level course work. 定向自我定位 is the main placement model used to determine placement into math, 英语 and reading, 但在网赌正规真人实体在线平台实习有很多选择. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台,如果你 不确定哪条路径的安置是适合你的!



