Early Childhood 教育

Educating 为 our future


网赌正规真人实体在线平台一直致力于培养幼儿教育工作者 personnel to serve the greater Eastern Washington region. 的 role of an educator is widely respected and valued in our society. Educators impart their knowledge and enthusiasm 为 learning each day. Committed professionals and lifelong learners, educators are devoted to educating our most valuable asset: our children.

ECE Program Highlights:

  • Certificate programs 结合理论和实践经验,强调学生的积极参与.
  • 课程包括参与、观察和实践经验.
  • 学生可以在任何学期开始时报名参加我们的任何课程 a full or part-time basis.
  • 大多数课程在晚上和周六提供,以适应各种各样的课程 schedules of working students.
teacher and class

在华盛顿州,专业发展系统帮助早期学习的专业人士 选择一个最适合他们需要的项目,并获得支持以实现学术目标.

Note 为 students who are located outside of Washington state: Each state, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. protectorates vary in what professions 他们需要获得执照,以及这些执照的教育要求. 这是 重要的是要了解你从网赌正规真人实体在线平台获得的学位或证书是否会 满足所在州对执照的教育资格要求 you plan to practice. 
View educational licensure requirements by state.


“我的幼儿教育经历很有教育意义,也很愉快. 老师们 是鼓舞人心的,他们的首要目标是帮助你成功. I learned the developmental 孩子的阶段和如何创造一个接受和积极的环境. ”

Selina Fink, 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Student


AAS in Early Childhood 教育 为学生准备华盛顿州通识教育教师证书 为 primary grades (preschool through grade 3). Students will learn from experienced 教育工作者致力于你的成功,并提供宝贵的见解和指导. 在 在你的学位课程中,你将通过身临其境的领域获得实践经验 placements and student teaching experience. 



Not sure where to start? Reach out to 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's 咨询 & 建议 Department!

咨询 & 建议 Department

Completion Coaches



Washington State Stackable Certificates 

网赌正规真人实体在线平台的整个学习过程中,学生可以获得一些 证书. 这些证书是有价值的证书,可以与学位一起获得 或独立学习,让学生集中学习特定的技能和知识 研究领域. 这些证书的可堆叠性意味着学生可以 以他们现有的证书为基础,逐渐积累专业知识和资格 that are relevant to their chosen field. 

Stackable 认证

  • 1. State Initial ECE Certificate

    12 Credits Total

    学生可以获得这个证书作为他们职业生涯的起点或继续 their professional development. 的 certificate focuses on competencies comparable to those of the Child Development Associate (CDA). This provides the foundation 为 the ECE State Certificate and associate degree. Courses include a 5-credit Introduction to Early Childhood 教育; a 5-credit Health, 安全 and Nutrition course, and a 2-credit practicum to apply learning.

  • 2. State Short ECE Certificate of Specialization

    20 Credits Total

    本证书建立在初始证书的基础上(总共20个学分). At 这一点,专业人员可以选择五个专业之一:ECE普通,婴幼儿 care, school-age care, family child care, and ECE administration. For each 专业化, students must take a 5-

  • 3. State ECE Certificate

    47 Credits Total

     这个最终的“可堆叠证书”需要大学水平的数学和英语作为基础 为 
    the next step: an associate degree in ECE. In addition to these general education 要求,学生必须修的课程包括语言和读写能力发展; Observation and Assessment; Child, Family and Community; Guiding Behavior; Environments 为 Young Children; and Curriculum Development. With all three 证书, the total number of credits earned by the student is 47-52.



How Do I Obtain My Certificate(s)?

当学生完成证书的相应课程,他们 will call or email 咨询 and 建议 at 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 at (509) 542-5505 or counseling@p2distribution.com.

他们会要求预约时间来完成毕业申请 Montessa Califano or 马丁·拉米雷斯. 一旦申请完成,大约需要8-10周的时间才能收到他们的申请 official certificate in the mail. If students need to show proof that they have completed 这个认证,那么他们必须要求官方成绩单,这是可以做到的 by visiting this webpage through 网赌正规真人实体在线平台: 请求记录 & 成绩单.


项目学习成果是学生将获得的知识、技能和能力 achieve be为e they graduate. 的 outcomes below were developed by the faculty in 幼儿教育与认证机构、咨询委员会、 雇主等. 这种合作确保了结果与职业相关 that this degree leads to.

  1. 应用儿童发展和学习的原则,为孩子从出生到 8岁.
  2. 在教育环境中为儿童提供适当的照顾.
  3. 评估儿童的认知和发展能力,为适应提供信息 针对个人发展需要的政策、程序和实践.
  4. 为不同的学习者设计适合发展的课程和评估.
  5. Deliver culturally responsive instruction.
  6. 用基于证据的标准评估幼儿教育环境进行分析 effectiveness, health, nutrition, safety and inclusivity.


幼儿教育工作者会发现他们的技能和才能是必要的和相关的 to several careers. From child care center assistants to operating your own family home child care, educators have many options in their future.

我们的项目支持华盛顿州儿童、青年和家庭部 (DCYF)幼儿教育(ECE)全州证书,并与 华盛顿州早期护理和教育专业人员的核心能力, 允许您处理一系列最多三个可堆叠的证书. 赚 在短短一个全日制季度内获得一个证书或继续你的教育 by taking the skills you’ve already learned to the next level. 学习 more about careers 为 early learning professionals.

当你通过我们的课程发展你的ECE证书时,你会发现不同的职业 doors open to you. 欧洲经委会学生和毕业生可选择的一些课程包括:

  • ECEAP Assistant Teacher
  • Family 首页 Child Care Operator
  • 领导老师
  • Child Care Center Director
  • 要了解华盛顿州的职业道路及其教育要求, 参观 ECE求职网站.




  • 电子邮件:education@p2distribution.com

  • 电话:509-542-5600

  • 地址:2600 N. 20日大街., 帕斯科,华盛顿州99301CBAC建筑

  • 办公时间:Monday to Thursday: 8 am to 5:30 pmFriday: 7 am to noon

students with instructor